Sunday, 14 March 2010

Target Audience who is it?

A key part to this project is finding out who would relate and appreciate our video, and who the video should be targeted to. This is very important as then we can fully represent the specific genre in our video and ancillary tasks. By doing this correctly this should result in appealing to our target audiece.
Trough research into the artist Jakatta it shows that he is an artist that releases contemporay House and disco music that is very common in the club and party scene in the UK. Therefore taking this into account i believe that are target audience would be between the age of 18 -30, male and female, and working and middle classed people. I believe our video is the sort of video that you would expect to find on a channel like MTV Dance. I also belive that our song will be played on radio stations such as Kiss 100 and Radio 1 therefore also reaching the target age group of 18 - 30. I think that our target audience is quite a large one due to the popularity of the club scene in the Uk and abroad.

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