'American Dream' Final cut from Daniel Jeffery on Vimeo.
As an artist one thing you hope to achieve is that your products are easily recognised as yours and audiences can relate to each product that you produce. Our aim as a group was to produce a main product and two ancillary tasks that would be instantly recognisable with each other and that would create a high level of continuity. In our three products the male actor is the predominant feature. We have done this so the artist gets as much attention as possible so the audience feel like they have a clearer representation of the artist they like and who they are buying music from. When we did our research into existing Digipacks and websites we realised that the more successful artist seemed to have very similar album artwork to their website and its design. This is visable in our products as you can see similar images from the album artwork placed on the website. The video is also clear to see on the website so this continues the theme as well as promoting the song. The video was the first thing that we did, so it creted a background and standard that we could relate to and transfer into our ancilary tasks. The videos main theme was the dream effect that we wanted t portray in our video. We wanted to do this because it goes really well with the title of the song as well as it gives us the oppurtunity to make a video that went really well with the song. This was a major factor as most good music videos make sure their video relates to the words in the song and the audience can clearly see this. Within the dream stage of our video the main aspect is the appearence of the girls in a fantasy style. This adds to the dreamy effect as well as adding a more unique and sexy look to the girls. If we were to have the girls in our video appear in normal uniform the video would not have the same effect and the dream effect would not appear as effective.
When it came to our Digipak we made sure that the design of it would be based solely on the video. The main images for the front, back and inside of the digipak were all taken on the day we filmed our dream part of the video. By doing this we ensured that their would be a high level of continuity from video to Digipak, and our target audience could relate from product to product. We also ensured that there was a link from task to task through the use of snap shots. This technique enabled us to use shots from our video as pictures in our ancillary tasks. By doing this it was obvious that there would be a link but we had to make sure we used the correct images, that not only made it so there was a link but also made our Digipak and Website look presentable and to a high standard. As well as this the use of Photoshop allowed us to blend the picutres from the video in to the digipak as if they were taken from a camera and it made sure the quality of the picture looked sufficient.
When it came to the website there was certain ways we created a link but there were also differences. The link was created through snap shots from the video of the main actress Georgia. As well as the use of links to show our video on the website. By doing this i believe that we have rounded of all three products together into one of our ancillary tasks, and if it were a real website then out target audience would find it very useful and productive because they could see the link from product to product themselves and this would help them get a feel for the artist and what he is about. We also tried to keep the colour scheme similar to the Digipacks scheme. Although it was not perfect due to the fact the Digipaks main them was woods. We believed that we couldn't use a woodland theme for the website due to the fact that it would not look as effective and proffesional as a normal colour scheme would. It would also be too similar to the digipak. Despite this we have managed to keep a good level of continuity by using black as the dominant colour. I nelieve this also adds a sense of sophistication to the website aswell. The colour blue is also used a lot and this goes well with the colour of the shirt the artist is wearing in the picture on the website itself. Overall i believe we have managed to keep a high level of continuity from our main task to our ancillary tasks. I think that our target audience could see a link in one of the products to the next for example they can see from the video the ideas for the digipak and from the website they can see the video itself.
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